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Ny maha-zava-dehibe ny JCB3LM-80 Lehibe Leakage Circuit Breaker (Elcb) amin'ny fiantohana ny fiarovana elektrika

Wanlai Electric

Amin'izao tontolo izao maoderina izao, ny fiarovana herinaratra dia tena manan-danja, indrindra amin'ny tontolo iainana sy ara-barotra. JCB3LM-80 andian-tany Leakage Circuit Breakers (ELCB) dia manana anjara toerana lehibe amin'ny fiantohana ny fiarovana ny olona sy ny fananana avy amin'ny loza henjana. This innovative device provides leakage protection, overload protection and short circuit protection, making it an important component in any electrical system.


Iray amin'ireo endri-javatra lehibe indrindra ao amin'ny


The JCB3LM-80 Series Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) is an indispensable device that plays a vital role in ensuring electrical safety in residential and commercial environments. With its advanced features, including leakage protection, overload protection and short circuit protection, ELCB provides a comprehensive safety net against potential electrical hazards. Fampiasam-bola ao amin'ny5

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