
Funda nge-Wallai Phuments yeNkampani yamva-nkqubo kunye nolwazi lweShishini

Ukubaluleka kwe-JCB3LM-80 uthotho lomhlaba ukuvuza umphunga wesekethe (i-ELCB) ekuqinisekiseni ukhuseleko lombane

Jul-17 ukuya ku-2024
Umbane waseWanlai

Kwihlabathi lanamhlanje lanamhlanje, ukhuseleko lombane lubaluleke kakhulu, ngakumbi kwiindawo zokuhlala kunye nezorhwebo. I-JCB3LM-80 Series Sour Abukied Laakiens (Elcb) idlala indima ebalulekileyo ekuqinisekiseni ukhuseleko lwabantu kunye nepropathi ukusuka kwiingozi zombane. This innovative device provides leakage protection, overload protection and short circuit protection, making it an important component in any electrical system.

II-JCB3LM-80 ERCByenzelwe ukuthintela ukungalingani kombane kwaye kuqinisekiswe ukusebenza kwisekethe. It is equipped with advanced technology that can detect any leakage current, overload or short circuit, triggering a disconnection to prevent potential hazards. This proactive approach to electrical safety gives homeowners and businesses peace of mind knowing they are protected from potential electrical hazards.

Enye yeempawu eziphambili zeI-JCB3LM-80 ERCBkukugcwalisa okugqithisileyo kunye nokukhuselwa kwesekethe. This means that in the event of an electrical overload or short circuit, the ELCB will quickly open the circuit, preventing any damage to the electrical system and minimizing the risk of fire or electrical accident. This level of protection is critical to maintaining a safe environment in residential and commercial spaces.


The JCB3LM-80 Series Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) is an indispensable device that plays a vital role in ensuring electrical safety in residential and commercial environments. With its advanced features, including leakage protection, overload protection and short circuit protection, ELCB provides a comprehensive safety net against potential electrical hazards. Ukutyala imali kwiI-JCB3LM-80 ERCB5


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